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Complete the sentences with words

a degree, to cope, graduated, to gain, educational, to revise, fast-paced, behavior, access, denied, impact, affect, to cheat, attend, opportunity , unacceptable

1. All children aged 7 must ……………. school.

2. Sometimes it is difficult ……….. with bullying when you deal with aggressive ………………...

3. To ………….. knowledge you need to concentrate on your work.

4. Internet provides a wide range of resources for ……………… needs.

5. To pass an exam you have …………. regularly and not ……………….. at the lesson.

6. She got ………………. in Biology when she ………………… from University..

7. The ……………. to the internet was ………………… so I couldn’t download the file.

8. In the …………….. world you need to realize the ………….. of technologies and reflect how it can …………. the future generations.

II. Choose the correct modal verbs

A: We’re having an environment awareness day at school tomorrow.

B: Environmental awareness? What’s that?

A: It’s a special day when we learn about all the things we should/have to (9) do to protect the environment. You know, how we can/have to (10) help to save the planet.

B: That sounds interesting! What do you do?

A: Well, for a start, everybody should/had better (11) walk or cycle to school so that we save energy. And we must/can (12) make sure that we don’t waste energy when we are there.

B: How do you do that?

A: To begin with, we remind everybody that of what they can/don’t have to (13) do save the energy.

B: Like turning the lights in the empty rooms?

A: That’s right. We have the rule. The last person to leave the room must/should (14) turn off the light and close the door.

B: Why do you must/have to (15) close the door?

a degree, to cope, graduated, to gain, educational, to revise, fast-paced, behavior, access, denied, impact, affect, to cheat, attend, opportunity , unacceptable

A: To keep the heat in, of course! You should/can (16) never leave doors open because heat will escape!

B: Never thought of that! Well, I’ll suggest we can/should (17) start the awareness day in my school too! Thanks for the idea!

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Ответы на вопрос:


Because I really want to feel majesty before the whole earth, and closer to God. Flying at altitude means being yourself, feeling every gust of winds and all natural forces. The plane is not that. And here is the ball, this is greatness and awareness of all helplessness and weakness! Realizing that you are being pulled by the amazing force of the air pressure and trying to be knocked astray by the amazing force of the wind. The opportunity to look not into a closed illuminator, but to look around, and know how small a person is in this world


Потому-что я очень хочу чувствовать величество перед всей землёй, и ближе к богу. Полёт на высоте - это быть собой, чувствовать каждый порыв ветров и всех природных сил. Самолёт, это не то. А вот шар, это величие и осознание всей бес и своей слаботы! Осознание того, что тебя тянет удивительная сила воздушного давления, и пытаеться сбить с пути удивительная сила ветра. Возможность посмотреть не в закрытый илюминатор, а осмотреться вокруг, и знать, насколько человек мал в этом мире

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