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Complete the sentences with the or — (no article).
1) ___Highlands in northern ___Scotland is a region of mountain ranges, deep valleys and beautiful lakes.
2) ___Ben Nevis — ___highest peak in Great Britain — rises in ____Highlands.
3) When we were in ___London, we stayed in ___ Plaza Hotel.
4) Americans call __ Mississippi river «the Father of Waters».
5) There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in ____ Piccadilly Circus.
6) The waters of __ North Sea and ___English Channel separate __ Great Britain from ___ Europe.
7) ____Yonge Street in Canada is the longest street in the world.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) I will watch films.

2) Will you go to the cinema with me?

3) We won't go to school tomorrow.

4) He will be very happy.

5) Will she play tennis?

6) They won't sing at the concert.

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