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ПОМАГИТЕ КАК МОЖНО СКОРЕЕ!!!! 1. When I got to the station, the train [already/leave] Before I lost my wallet to [lose] my umbrella. 3. By the time the doctor arrived, the patient [die] 4. When Anna phoned, I 5. Best 5. Before Sara crossed the road, she 6. Before I had driving license, I 7. Before he - offers in the newspaper. [leave] to work. [look] both ways. [have] a driving test. [fill] in the application form, he looked for job 8. When I looked up, the burglar 9. When the police arrived, the riots [stop] 10. After we reach an agreement. we shacked hands. -----------уйста!!! Поставить глаголы в правильную форму.Put the verbs into correct tense1. She (not to take part) in the competition , because she (to break) her leg .2. She (not to try on) the jacket in the shop , because it (to seem) to be too large in size.3. By 6 o'clock it (to stop) raining , so we (to leave) the house.4. When he is in a good mood he (to turn on) the radio and (to begin) dancing . 5. It (to rain) all the time , that's why we (not to enjoy) our visit.

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