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1 First Conditional. Write complete sentences using the prompts and will/won’t.

we / not have / enough money / we / not go / to the cinema
If we don’t have enough money, we won’t go to the cinema.

1 I / come over / you / need / my help
_____________________________________________ .

2 it / stop / raining / we / probably go / for a walk
_____________________________________________ .

3 Maria / be / upset / you / not call / her
_____________________________________________ .

4 I / stop / eating chocolate / I / lose / weight
_____________________________________________ .

5 I / pay / you later / you / get / two tickets for the concert
_____________________________________________ .

2 gerunds and infinitives. Choose the correct words in italics.

I really don’t want to go/going to the party.

1 We hope to see/seeing you soon.

2 I suggest to take/taking some time off – things must be very stressful at the moment.

3 I always avoid to travel/travelling in the summer – it’s so busy.

4 Do you promise to help/helping me?

5 Let’s arrange to meet/meeting at the new gallery.

3 stop, try, remember: gerunds and infinitives. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box.
spend be book drink buy finish
Please stop being so aggressive.

1 I’ll try _______ this article today because I know it’s urgent.

2 Did you remember _______ a table for this evening?

3 Anna stopped _______ a bottle of water before the meeting.

4 Why don’t you try _______ hot milk before you go to bed if you can’t sleep?

5 I remember _______ a lot of time with my cousins when we were young.

5 describing appearance. Choose the correct answer.
I’m very _______ so I have to be careful when I go out in the sun.
a fair-skinned b dark-skinned c attractive

1 Both of Jason’s parents are of medium height – around 1 metre 70 centimetres, but he is 1 metre 90 centimetres which is very _______ .
a short b tall c fat

2 I can’t believe how _______ Jenny is. She’s lost so much weight.
a tall b skinny c short

3 Dan does a lot of sport. That’s why he has such _______ legs.
a muscular b overweight c ugly

4 Doctors are worried about the number of children who are now _______ because they eat too much junk food and don’t exercise.
a overweight b slim c muscular

5 Men who become models are usually tall, slim and _______ .
a beautiful b ugly c handsome
8 give and respond to advice. Complete the dialogues with the words from the box.
don’t fancy tried that should idea

A: Why don’t you go to bed now if you don’t feel well?
B: That’s a good (1) _______ . I’m sure I’ll feel better in the morning.

A: You really (2) _______ lie down and try to sleep.
B: Yes, I think I’ll do (3) _______ . See you later.

A: Have you (4) _______ taking vitamins every day?
B: No, I haven’t but perhaps I should.

A: I have a raw egg every morning.
B: Oh, I don’t (5) _______ that!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Для меня дружба значит уважение и поддержка.без дружбы было бы плохо и скучно.не было бы никого кроме родных и близких, и никто бы не мог тебе. сойдёт?

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