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12. 1. Поставь глагол в нужное время Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect , Past Simple / Past Continuous, Future Simple или to be going to. Так же правильно употреби время в условных предложениях и в Passive Voice

1) What _______ you _________ (dream) about sitting here with your eyes closed?

2) What time _________the performance_______ (begin)?

3) I love London. I __________(probably/go) there next year.

4) If Mark _______ (not smoke), he would be a healthy man.

5) Detroit _____ (call) Motown in the past.

6) Somebody knocked when I ________________(watch)TV.

7) They _________(to enter) a small shop, where an old man ________ (to wait) for customers.

8) Her son __________ (not play) tennis at 4pm last Monday. He ________ (read) a book.

9) I _________ (go) to the police if I were you.

10) She_______________(buy) a lovely dress this week

11) If we had arrived at the theater earlier, we ___________ (find) a seat.

12) A new book _______ (publish) by that company next year.

13) Where __________ you ______________ (go) tonight?

14) Turn down! The music_____________ (sound) too loud.

15) Sally __________( play) the piano since she was 6

16) One Christmas Eve, old Scrooge _______ (to work) busily in his office when two confortable-looking gentlemen _________ (to come) in.

17) I think I_______(to help) you.

18). If I go shopping tomorrow, I ______ (buy) a new dress.

19). Some birds ____________ (lay) their eggs in other birds' nests.

20). Not much________ (say) about the accident since that time.

21). We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.
22) This is my last day here. I __________ (to fly) to Italy tomorrow.
23) If you __________ (not get) tickets for the Philharmonic, we will stay at home.
24) While his mother _________ (cook), his father _________ (read) a newspaper.
25) I don't know what to do. Max always____________(chat) at my lesson.
26) That's amazing! She _____ (run) fifteen kilometers this morning!
27) What __________you __________ (do) when I rang you up yesterday at 5pm?
28) If George had gone to the party, he ________(see) Jane.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. some 2. any 3. any 4.any 5.a 6. a 7. some 8.an 

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