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перевести на английский. 1.Мертвое озеро находится в Алматинской области.Люди говорят,что это озеро проклято.Каждый год тонут много людей. В озере не водится рыба и нет растений.Мертвое озеро имеет 100 м в длину и 60 м в ширину,глубину не удалось измерить.Вода даже в жаркое лето остаётся ледяная. 2. Мечеть Бекет -ата духовный ,исторический памятник.Это святое место для казахстанских мусульман.Мечеть расположена в среднем ярусе скалы .Рядом есть колодцы и родники.Мечеть посещают много туристов​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The dead lake is in the Almaty region. People say that this lake is damned. Every year many people drown. There are no fish and no plants in the lake. The dead lake is 100 m long and 60 m wide, the depth could not be measured. The water remains icy even in hot summers. 2. The Becket Mosque is a spiritual, historical monument. This is a holy place for Kazakhstani Muslims. The mosque is located in the middle tier of the rock. There are wells and springs nearby. Many tourists visit the mosque

1. The dead lake is in the Almaty region. People say that this lake is damned. Many people drown every year. There are no fish and no plants in the lake. The dead lake is 100 m long and 60 m wide, the depth could not be measured. The water remains icy even in hot summers. 2. The Becket Mosque is a spiritual, historical monument. This is a holy place for Kazakhstani Muslims. The mosque is located in the middle tier of the rock. There are wells and springs nearby. Many tourists visit the mosque


Dear mom and dad, hello!   how are you? sorry, i haven't been in touch for so long.  unfortunately, my vacation to new york city  is coming to an end. well,  i'm having a great time here. the weather is amazing and there is so much to do. i finally saw the  the statue of liberty in real life. by the way,  i have already bought jeans, t-shirt and shoes for myself.  i found the  large  clothing store  near my hotel and  i think that you may want some new clothes too. so, write back if  you want me to buy something. i have to go now. my friend andrew invited me to the museum. take care,  katherine.

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