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Complete each sentence with the correct word derived from the word in capitals following the sentence.
1. you should consider your options.................. before making a decision. CARE
2. many youth ........ offer summer enrichment programmes . ORGANISE
3. the school commitee said that the new rukes were under ..... . CONSIDER
4. the ..... winner will spend two weeks in France. COMPETE
5. our ....... over the years has helped us build a good friendship. CORRESPOND
6. it is our …….. to protect the environment. OBLIGE
7. the …….. committee is organizing a spring carnival. ENTERTAIN

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Ответы на вопрос:

Alittle cute monster live in my room. it is funny creature with 6 arms and 10 legs and soft pink fur. it has big mouth with a great number of huge yellow tooth. also, it has 3 blue eyes and elephant's ear. in addition, my out-of-ordinary friend is so nice to me. i call him ben and he is very kind and friendly. i can even share my secrets with him! i really love ben. маленький милый монстр живет в соей комнате. это забавное существо с 6 руками и 10 ногами и мягкой розовой шерстью. оно имеет большой рот с огромным количеством желтых зубов. также у него 3 голубых глаза и уши , как у слона. к тому же, мой необыкновенный друг мил со мной. я называю его бэном и он добрый и дружелюбный. я даже могу делиться своими секретами с ним! я действительно люблю бэна.

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