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Упражнение1. Choose the correct item
1. I saw your cat ……. minutes ago.
a little a few much
2. Unfortunately, there were ……….guests at the event. We hoped to see more people.
few many little
3. I have tried to read that book ……… times but always ended up sleeping.
much many few
4. Hurry up, we have …….. time.
few little much
5. You should drink ……. hot coffee, it will help.
a little a few many
6. Can you wait ……. longer?
a little a few many
7. She ate ………ice-cream and has got a sore throat.
much many little
8. Have you _____work to do?
many much a few
9. How ….. sugar do you put in your tea?
any many much
10. How ……. friends has he got?
many much alotof

Упражнение2. Fill in few / a few and little / a little:

1. He got up late, drank ____ tea and rushed to school.
2. You must eat ___ of this soup. It is full of vitamins.
3. There is ____ snow on the ground this winter. The ground is almost bare.
4. The tea is not sweet; there is ____ sugar in it.
5. There is ____ coffee in your cup. Shall I give you some more?
6. Is there much water in the bottle? — Oh, no. There is ____ water in it.
7. Do many people know about this new bookstore? — No, only ___.
8. There are ___ sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.
9. I’ve got ___apples. I can make some juice.
10. Would you like some coffee? – Just ____.

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Ответы на вопрос:

рождество является главным государственным праздником в великобритании и сша. этот христианский святой день отмечается 25 декабря (в россии 7 января) в честь рождества христова. люди часто видят в этом время веселья и подарков. они обычно проводят время со своими семьями, едят особую пищу и много пить. в канун рождества некоторые люди идут на специальную церковную службу под названием "полуночная месса" или "рождественская служба в 12 часов вечера". другие могут выпить со своими друзьями.

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