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Задание 1. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple tense:
INSPECTOR GRANGER: OK Mr. Thomas. Relax and tell me the problem.
MR. THOMAS: It's my wife. She 1 went (go) out yesterday to buy some milk. And she 2_____(not / come) back.
INSPECTOR GRANGER: When 3 _____(/you see) your wife for the last time?
MR. THOMAS: Yesterday evening.
INSPECTOR GRANGER: Tell me what happened yesterday.
MR. THOMAS: Well, we 4 _____(wake up) at about 8.00 as usual. We 5 ____ (have) breakfast and then I 6 _____ (drive) to work. I think she 7_____ (go) shopping. It 8 _____ (be) a Wednesday. She always goes shopping on Wednesdays. Then she 9 ____ (make) the dinner.
INSPECTOR GRANGER: When 10 _____ home? (/you come)
MR. THOMAS I 11 ____(come) home at six o'clock. I 12 _____ (sit)down in my chair and 13 _____ (read) the newspaper. Then we14 _____(have) dinner. After dinner, my wife 15 ______ (go) to the kitchen. I 16 ______(have) a glass of whisky and 17 _______(sleep) in my chair.
INSPECTOR GRANGER: 18 _____(/you speak) to your wife when you 19 ______(come) home? Or 20 ______(/she say) anything to you?
MR. THOMAS: I 21 ______ (not / speak) to her, but after about an hour she 22 ______ (say), 'This isn't a life. I'm going out.' She 23 _______(take) her bag and her coat. She 24 ______(not / say) goodbye. I 25 ______ (hear) the door close. But I 26 ______ (not / see) her again.
INSPECTOR GRANGER: I see, sir. I think I can guess the answer to this mystery.
Задание 2. Напишите правильную форму глагола
1. Where you (to be) yesterday?
X. Look! Betty and Mike (to dance) in the hall.
3. Jack (not to like) fish soup.
4. They usually (to play) tennis at school?
5. She (to do) it if you help her.
6. When Kate and Mike (to go) to school?
7. seldom (to help) her mother about the house.
8. Nick (to write) a letter at the moment.
9. Wait a minute! I (to help) you.
Задание 3. Напишите правильную форму глаголов в скобках
Ludwig van Beethoven /1/ (to be) a great German composer.
He was born in Bonn in 1770 and /2/ (to spend) his childhood
there. He /3/ (fto start) to compose music when he /4/ (to be)
very young. At the age of twenty- two he /5/ (to go) to Vienna,
whefe he /6/ (to live) all his life. There he /7/ (to take)
lessons from other composers like Haydn and Salieri.
Beethoven /8/ ( to write) music including operas, sonatas
and nine symphonies. He always /9/(to work) hard but he /10/
(to be) never a very rich man. He /11/ (to die) in
Vienna at the age of fifty-seven, on 26th March 1827, but
his music 12/ (to be) famous all over the world now.
Задание 4. Напишите 5 во по рассказу о Людвиге Ван Бетховене.

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1миша встретил робина прежде чем его встретил роб.2 миша знал роба прежде чем роб приехал в россию

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