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Imagine, it’s two o’clock. Your friend and you are at the restaurant.
Make up a dialogue. Use the following expressions.
- Can I take your order, sir?
- Show us the menu, please.
- What kind of soup (meat, fish, salad) would you like?
- Yes, I think I’ll have…
- And for dessert?

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

таксссс тут нечего не понятно Валера уходим

швщишщщлттивлвьвоссга даиащаовоов двокшста двтащм

he had pancakes with. -false

he hates vegetables - true

Simon likes History. ... - true

he played football. ... - true

at two o'clock was. .. - false

they played a very. ... - false

Simon went to Peter. ... - false

he did his maths. ... - false

Task III

Simon 's favorite lesson is games.

Mum was angry because he didn't arrive home till half past seven.

No, he didn't. There was an interesting programme on the television

Популярно: Английский язык