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1. прочитать предложения и заполнить в них пробелы подходящими
формами глаголов в скобках (Past Simple);
2. записать предложения полностью.

1. They ___ (invite) us to the party but we ___ (decide) not to go.

2. ___ your parents ___ a good holiday? – Yes, they ___. (have)

3. ___ (be) the weather good when you ___ (be) on holiday?

4. How much ___ your jacket ___ (cost)?

5. When ___ Carol ___ (phone) Chris?

6. We ___ (see) Alice in town a few days ago.

7. ___ it ___ on Sunday? – No, it ___. (rain)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. ... invited ... decided

2. Did ... have ...? - Yes, they had

3. Was ... were?

4. ... did ... cost?

5. ... did ... phone...?

6. ... saw ... .

7. Did it rain ...? No, it didn't


Past Simple:

вторая форма глагола или глагол с окончанием "еd" в утвердительных предложениях

Did + глагол в первой форме в во первая форма глагола в отрицаниях.

Ihave got very sincere relationships with my mother and father. then i have got some problems, my parents always help me to deal with it. for example, my mother help me to solve difficult situations with my classmates. i really feel better after talking with her. i like playing football with my father. but most of all i like to go fishing with him. i help my parents, too. i usually do my household chores: i wash the dishes, cook, throw away the gabbage.

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