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Итоговая работа 10 класс
25 We'd better book tickets to the show now, …… the concert sells out.
A so that В in order С in case
26 Jane …… five of her paintings so far, but she hopes she'll sell more.
A is only selling В has only sold
С only sells
27 Since there is …… gravity in space, astronauts have to strap everything down so it doesn't float away.
A vacuum В airless С zero
28 You've managed to make your little sister cry! Are you happy with …… now?
A herself В yourself С yourselves
29 What time …… Susan to her piano lesson this afternoon?
A are you taking В do you take С will you take
30 Though the film has a(n) …… cast, it hasn't received very good reviews.
A all-star В box office С action-packed
31 I believe people ... elixir of youth in 2035
A will invent B invents C are going to invent
32 Look! Kate ... in water.
A is going to jump B will jump C will be jumping
33 We ... the article by four o'clock.
A will translate B will have translated C are going to translate
34 'I need a pen.' 'Don't worry. I ... lend you mine.'
A will B will be C will have been
35 Would it be all right if I _______ at 7?
A come B came C will come
36 If Ann _____ more sense, she ______ her car years ago.
A had/ sold B had had / would has sold C had had / would have sold
37. When the manager arrived, the problem ________ .
A had already been solved B had solved C had already solved
38 My grandfather turned up the volume of the TV ........... hear the news.
in case B
so that C
in order to
39 Make sure you include …… in your daily diet.
A too protein В protein enough С enough protein
40 If you're looking for a dog, why don't you get one from the animal …… . ?
A hall
В shelter С station

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1.Complete the sentences with the question tags and underline them.

a) We can’t play golf, _can we_?

b) He is the best player in his team, _isn't he__?

c) They didn’t win a football match, _______?

d) I love watching karate on TV, _don't I_?

e) You don’t always train in this gym, _do you__?

f) Rob will be in the race tomorrow, _won't he_?

g) Mike isn’t at the stadium today, _is he__?

h) These boys took part in the volleyball competitions yesterday, didn't they?

i) You’re a good athlete, aren't you_?

j) Next year I’ll join the Fitness Studio, _won't I_?

k) Jake wasn’t in the school basketball team last year, _was he__?

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form, underline these verbs.

a) __Are__you (taking) part in table tennis competitions tomorrow?

b) Sam usually (trains) in a sports club twice a week.

c) How many goals__did_your team (score) last time?

d) Our school (has not) got three tennis courts.

e) Alison __is_(going) skateboarding in the mountains next winter.

f) __Does_John (want) to set a new record in running this year?

g) Cricket (is not) a popular game in our country.

h) Barbara’s parents (are) proud of her achievements in tennis.

i) Mark (joined) the karate club last year.

j) _Did_you (go) to the swimming pool yesterday?

k) I (do not go) jogging in the park every morning.

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