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Раскрыть скобки поставить глагол в нужную форму (активный или страдательный залог в настоящем времени.

1) Joshua ... (to take) his medicine two times a week.

2) In summer, more ice-cream ... (to eat) than in winter.

3) The letters ... (to type, not).

4) The black car ... (to sell).

5) Butter (to keep) in the refrigerator.

6) She ... (to sell) cars in this company.

7) Sara ... (to take, not) to school by her sister.

8) This sonnet ... (to write, not) by Shakespeare.

9) I ... (to keep, not) animals at home.

10) He ... (to call) her parents every Sunday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.to water

2.to draw

3.to the go


t.to go

6. to eat

Популярно: Английский язык