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1.Нужны 30 англиских слов с буквами q, w, p, x. 2 Запишите в два столбика одушевленные и неодушевленные слова нужно здать до 18:00.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Объяснение добавь окончания ing,S


1) quake; quail; quarantine; queen; query; quite; quiz, wad; wade; wail; wait; waive; washer; water; wed; wear print; prime; pound; power; prefect; prefix; provide, xenophobia; xenophobic; Xmas; X-ray; xylophone.

2) Живі: dog, frog, man, turtle, horse, cat, girl, mom, fox.

Неживі: pen; bed; coffee; ball door; lantern, house, foot, glass, sock, ocean, notebook, foam.

Him     c)teaches the chair?       b) is there  3he didn 't give   b)anything  food in the bag  a)there is  5read the questions page fifteen    b)the  6there is nobody in the     b)is there  7 the words     b)he must 8we go to the theatre three times .  a)a  9)i think home tomorrow  c)will be10)can you bring me book?   c)the secondисправьте ошибки1-where is the money? -it is in the bag? 2the teacher asked them to do   the twelfth exercise -не уверена3they visited their friends five days ago4there are hundreds of toys in his collection5there will be a new shop in this town next year6when did she come home yesterday? 7i think the lesson will be interesting8were there many people in the park9have you brought any photos? 10who has brought those chairs?

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