1. “I don’t like chocolate,” Tom said.
2. “My grandmother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the boy said.
3. “She can't read these books. She doesn’t like them,” Sally said.
4. “He lived in a camp when he was on holiday,”Tom said .
5. “My mother got up early this morning,” Sally says.
6. “Tom was a famous sportsman,”I said .
7. “Yesterday, I saw Tom in the street,”said Sally.
8. “Sally went home early yesterday,”Tom said.
9. “My brother will come at 3,”he said.
10. “Tom will do this exercise later,”his teacher said.
11 “We’ll have examinations next year,”they said.
12. “We are swimming now,”they said.
13. ”They were cleaning the house at 5 o’clock yesterday,” Sam said.
14. ”My brother is playing football now,” said Mary.
15. ”I was drawing a picture last night when my friend rang ,”said Tom.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1 a: excuse me, is there .. chemist's in .. neighbourhood?

b: yes, .. chemist's is across ..-- street,

2. a: where can i buy .. umbrella?

b: at supermarket around corner.

3 a: can you go to baker's down .. road?

b: sure, right away.

4. a: are -- those --.. your books?

b: yes, they are from bookshop in --.. london.

5 a: where is --.. paul?

b: he's at friend's house.

6 a: are there nice clothes shops in -- paris?

b: yes, they are some of the best in --.. europe

7 a: -- this -- your jacket?

b: no, it' red one over there.

8 a: oh! look at ..-- that dog in pet shop!

b: aw! it's very cute!

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