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Ответы на вопрос:

Emma is ten years old.

Emma live in Btighton in the south of England.

Emma has got one brother.

Emma usually wear casual clothes, mainly jeans, shorts, t-shorts and trainers.

Emma usually have a bowl of cornflakes with hot milk and toasts with marmalade on a breakfast.

Emma prefer walk to school because she live not so far.

Emma spend her breaks in the canteen, she eat a sandwich and drink orange juice.

School finishes at 3.30.

Twice a week she has a baseball practice.

After dinner Emma read the book or serf the internet for a while.

2 задание

I am never late for school

We have Spanish on Tuesday.

My dad often does work to by car.

My mom always help me to the homework.

Once a week she has judo classes.

I like very much gardening.

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