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Choose the right word 1)Did you watch/look

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ответ: look


1. tom is in the garden with his friend sam. 2. she was at the disco with her boyfriend on friday evening. 3. queen elizabeth was born in london in 1926. 4. can you help me with my homework? - of course i can. give it to me. 5. look at this photo of my girlfriend. isn't she beautiful?   выберите правильную степень сравнения. переведите предложения. 1. a) quietly 2. b) happier today. 3. c) the longest   заполните пропуски артиклями a/an или the, где необходимо, или неопределенными местоимениями some/any. переведите предложения. 1. would you like some wine? не желаете вина? 2. wine that i drank in france was of a very high quality. вино, которое я пил во франции было высокого качества. 3. do you like wine? вы любите вино? 4. do you want a cigarette? хотите сигарету? 5. are there any letters for me this morning? для меня есть письма? 6. are you canadian? i have some friends in canada. вы канадец? у меня есть друзья в канаде. 7. people couldn't sit down at the party because there weren't any chairs. люди не могли сидеть на вечеринке, так как не было стульев 8. i don't play cards. 9. i'd like to wash my hair, so i want some shampoo. 10. he always has some eggs for breakfast. 11. did you have a nice holiday? - yes, it was the best holiday i’ve ever had. 12. do you go to the cinema very often? - no, not very often. but i watch a lot of films on television. 13. what do you usually have for lunch?

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