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1. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ

The great Asian (1) ... Kyzyl-Kum is very big - about 400,000 (2) ... kilometres. When you look at the (3) ... you can see that the Syr Darya (4) ... is to the (5) ... of it and the Amu Darya is to the south west. The (6) ... problem in the Kyzyl-Kum is water. One of the interesting places here is the Kyzyl-Kum National Park. It is (7) ... for different kinds of birds and gazelles.
1: a) river b) desert c) country
2: a) square b) long c) big
3: a) map b) book c) capital
4: a) sea b) river c) mountain
5: a) left b) area c) north
6: a) easiest b) nicest c) biggest
7: a) continent b) difficult c) famous

2. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:

1) a lot of/There/flowers/and grass/are/.
2) is/The climate/very/in winter/cold/.
3) In winter/are/and birds/white/the animals/.
4) change/they/their colour/In summer/to brown/and grey/.
5) recycle/People/paper/should/.
6) When/make/tea/we/we/energy/use/.
7) comes/Global warming/energy/from/we use/.

3. Вставьте слова в пробелы:

Is. Raining. Wet. Didn’t. Does. Snow. Doesn’t__________

1.--------------it often rain in winter?
2.It’s never ------------------_in Africa.
3.It is ---------------------_now.
4.It _-----------------_rain last week.
5. -------------------- it snowing now?
6.Did it -------------------last Sunday?
7.It ---------------------- snow in June in Uzbekistan.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) would you like to go out for a meal? (хочешь пойти поесть? ) 2)could you look up mr.white's address, please? (не могли бы вы посмотреть адрес мистера вайта, ) 3)i usually go to work by car.(я обычно езжу на работу на машине) 4)why don't we stay in and watch tv? (почему бы нам не остаться и не посмотреть телевизор) 5)nowadays i go swimming every day. (в наше время я хожу плавать каждый день)

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