Есть ответ 👍

Fill in with DO\DOES.

1. _____ you go to school on Sundays?

2. _____ Molly study well?

3. _____ you clean your room every day?

4. _____ your Mum feed your dog in the morning?

5. _____ Ben live in Brighton?

6. _____ Oleg go in for football?

7. _____ Tom drive his car well?

8. _____ she get up early every day?

9. _____ you like rainy weather?

10. _____ Tim like to go to the theatre?

11. What _____ you do every day?

12. When ____ they come home on Mondays?

13. Whom ____ you usually help?

14. What time _____ she usually come home?

15. How long _____ they train on Mondays?

16. What book _____ he read every day?

17. Where _____ you often go in the evening?

18. What subjects _____ he like most of all?

19. Why ____ you like Maths?

20. What ____ you think about Tom?

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Do you go to school on Sundays?

2. Does Molly study well?

3. Do you clean your room every day?

4. Does your Mum feed your dog in the morning?

5. Does Ben live in Brighton?

6. Does Oleg go in for football?

7. Does Tom drive his car well?

8. Does she get up early every day?

9. Do you like rainy weather?

10. Does Tim like to go to the theatre?

11. What do you do every day?

12. When do they come home on Mondays?

13. Whom do you usually help?

14. What time does she usually come home?

15. How long do they train on Mondays?

16. What book does he read every day?

17. Where do you often go in the evening?

18. What subjects does he like most of all?

19. Why do you like Maths?

20. What do you think about Tom?

Заполните поле DO\DOES.

1.____- ты ходишь в школу по воскресеньям?

2._____ Молли хорошо учится?

3.____- вы убираете свою комнату каждый день?

4.____- твоя мама кормит твою собаку по утрам?

5.____- Бен живет в Брайтоне?

6._____ Олег занимается футболом?

7.____- Том хорошо водит свою машину?

8.____- она каждый день рано встает?

9.____- вы любите дождливую погоду?

10.____- Тим любит ходить в театр?

11.Что вы делаете каждый день?

12.Когда они приходят домой по понедельникам?

13.Кому _ _ _ _ вы обычно В котором часу она обычно приходит домой?

15.Как долго они тренируются по понедельникам?

16.Какую книгу он читал каждый день?

17.Где _____ ты часто ходишь по вечерам?

18.Какие предметы он любит больше всего?

19.Почему ты любишь математику?



                                            "learning strategies" 


education - is cyclical and cumulative process of constant renewal and expansion of a piggy bank of your knowledge. the purpose of education - to change your behavior so that you can be more successful. education - is a process of constant transformation of the individual. it is useful to distinguish between conscious and unconscious learning training. the first is usually called learning through education, and the second - learning from experience. conscious training is usually more successful and develop better capacity than realized, because it provides more control over the process. for this reason, you need to understand your personal aspirations (the image of the personality and beliefs about themselves). people who have not done so, learn less well. on the other hand, unconscious training is cyclical. here experience is gained through activities - activities that provide new knowledge. this form of training is also very important, as evidenced by the following data: after you read something, you remember 10%; after you hear something, you remember 20%; once you see something, you remember 30%; after something you have seen and heard, you'll remember 50%; after you do it yourself, you'll remember 90%; in short, the optimal learning occurs when people are able to act. 

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