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Задание 2 Чтение
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Albert Einstein: the Greatest Scientist of the 20th Century
Not many people really deserve the title "genius" but Albert Einstein [ainstain]was one of them. His discoveries have changed the way we understand our worldtoday. Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. Неwasа very slow learnerat first. Не even had trouble learning to speak! His parents were really worried.As аboy, Albert Einstein was very unhappy at school. His teachers treated him badly because they thought he wasn't very clever. His marks were usually bad.
In 1896 Albert went to Zurich to study at one of the besttechnical universities. There his abilities in mathematicsand physics began to show. After he graduated in 1902,Einstein took а job at the Swiss Patent Office. 1905 washis "Miracle Year", as he published three important essaysincluding one on the "Special Theory of Relativity".Later Einstein wrote "The Theory of Gravity" and "TheGeneral Theory of Relativity". Soon he became а worldwidecelebrity.
In 1914 Einstein moved back to Berlin. In 1921 Einsteinwas awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, and modestlytravelled third class to Stockholm to receive it. Не usedhis influence to lecture around Europe and the USA topromote world рeaсе. Soon the Nazis came to power in Germany. So in 1933 hehad to go to America where he lived for the rest of his life. Не died on April18th, 1955 in New Jersey, leaving behindа new way for us to look at the world.

1. Albert Einstein ____________________.
а) was born in South Europe b) influenced our world с) isа real genius for some people

2. Albert had trouble __________________.
а) reading books b) writing with right hand с) learning to speak

3. Albert's abilities in mathematics became evident during his _________________.
а) school years b) university years с) college years

4. Einstein worked on his famous theories in the _________.
а) 19th century b) 20th century с) 19th and 20th centuries

5. Albert Einstein ___________________.
а) thought that only science was important
b) believed that scientists had а duty to protect the world
с) was sure the main aim of any person's life was fighting for peace

Задание 3 Лексика
Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно лексически и грамматически соответствовало содержанию предложения. Запишитеполученноеслово.
His words are full of __________ 1 (WISE).Charles Dixon is very ___________2 (KNOWLEDGE) about history. 3 (FRIEND)_________ is extremely important for teenagers, sometimes more important that other things. Alice lives in а quiet ___________ 4 (NEIGHBOUR) with good shops. I hope you understand why our ________ 5 (MEET) is taking place in the centre of the town.

Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию предложения. Запишитеполученноеслово.
David Copperfield
David Copperfield is probably the __________1 (SUCCESSFUL) magician in history. He became famous at the age of 19,when he played the leading role in themusical "The Magic Man". Newspapers wrote that David Copperfield(it's his stage name) ________2 (START) practicing magic when he was only ten and at theage of 12 he _________ 3 (BECOME) the ______4 (YOUNG)member of the Society of American Magicians. By now David ___________5 (WIN) several GuinnessWorld Records and a lot of Emmy Awards for his TV series.Not long ago he _________6 (GET) the title of"King of Magic".

Выберите одну из трёх картинок и опишите её по плану. Вам необходимо упомянуть:
1) whatthephotoshows;
2) what and who you can see in the photo (in its centre/at the top/ at the bottom/on the left-hand side/ on the right-hand side of it);
3) what is happening in the photo;
4) whatyou think and what you feel when you look at the photo.
Начнитесфразы: “I’ve chosen photo number … ”

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In hyde park. это уголок ораторов в лондоне

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