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Закончить предложения, нспользуя производные от слов в скобках. Образец: Вees adore sweet ihings like fruit and sugar. (adoration) 1. In the arctic. foxes and bears have white fur to .... themselves. (camouflage) 2. Destroying natural areas like forests..the animals which live there. (danger) 3. Some peoplebelieve that elephants have very gоod (memorise) 4. In herds of animals, there is usually a lead animal that the others... (obedient) 5. Cats are easy pets to keер because theу are. (depend) 6. А pigeon is a bird that 7. These inseсts are flat and grey-green in.. (аppear) knows its way home, (instinct

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2)have finished

3)thought that he has lost

4)told. she has seen

5)come дальше не уверен

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