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1. They _____ to the party last night.
(A) have gone (C) had gone
(B) went (D) will go
2. My grandfather gave me_____________.
(A) a good advice (C) some good advices
(B) good advices (D) some good advice
3. I wonder
A) what my younger brother is doing now
B) what is my younger brother doing now
C) what does my younger brother do now
D) what is doing my younger brother
4.What is the first word most children learn to______________?
(A) talk (C) say
(B) tell (D) retell
5.They haven't finished breakfast.
(A) yet (C) still
(B) already (D) else
6. I don't think I have_________eaten Chinese food before.
(A) always (C) sometimes
(B) ever (D) never
7. I'd like you to meet a very good friend of______ , Tom Brown.
(A) us (C) our
(B) we (D) ours
8. The children________left alone. They are too young to look after themselves.
(A) mustn't (C) shouldn't be
(B) mustn't to be (D) shouldn't to be
9.Since early times, man in flight.
(A) interested (C) is interested
(B) has interested (D) has been interested
10. Nick bought a new tie. It___________10 dollars.
(A)costed (C)cost
(B) had costed (D) was cost
11. There are only about 5 million Scots and_________live in the Lowlands.
(A) most of them (C) most they
(B) most of they (D) they most
12. On my___________ to school I often meet my neighbour, Nick Adams.
(A) going (C) road
(B) way (D) walking
13. I've spoken to everyone except___________ .
(A) he (C)him
(B) his (D) himself
14. At 5 o'clock the guests__________tea in the sitting room.
(A) had (C) were having
(B) had had (D) had been having
15. Agatha Christie is known all over the world_______the Queen of Crime.

(A) for (C)as
(B) because (D) like
16. Last January, there____________a fire on the second, floor of my house.
(A) has been (C) was
(B) had been (D) were
17.I__________in Moscow before I moved to St Petersburg.
(A) lived (C) had lived
(B) live (D) has been living
18. He phoned___________tell her about the party.
(A) for (C)and
(B)to (D) because
19. The sun shone__________________brightly that I had to put on my sunglasses.
(A) so (C) very
(B) such (D) too
20 . Mary is one________.
(A) of the brightest children in her class
(B) of the brightest childs in her class
(C) child who is the brightest in her class
(D) of the bright childs in her class.

21. Tom is only interested________________making money.
(A) for (C)in
(B)about (D) on
22. How____________letters are there in the Russian alphabet?
(A) much (C)a few
(B) few (D) many
23. Would you mind___________the window, please?
(A) to open (C) opening
(B) open (D) I open
24. If I were you .
(A) I won't argue with him (C) I don't argue
with him
(B) I wouldn't argue with him (D) I wouldn't argued with him


Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) b

2) a

3) c

4) c

5) c





1 have you ever dreamed of winning the lottery?

2 i haven't worked out how to set the timer on the video yet.

3 my dad's lived in the same house since he was born.

4 the film's only been on for a couple of minutes.

5 bruce has knocked three men out of the competition so far.

6 i rarely get the chance to get any exercise - i'm just too busy.

7 he's only just got home

8 it's eleven o'clock and todd still hasn't come home. where could he be?

9 i've never met ruth before. what's she like?

10 have you finished already? that was quick!

zero conditional

1. when i cook salads, i use only olive oil .

2. i wear my old boots when i work.

3. lf you close the door, it locks automatically .

4. lf you push this button, the volume incincreases .

5. we don't use calculators when we write tests​.

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