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Write a story using grammar of the year: (напиши небольшую историю используя грамматику за этот год)
imperative (повелительное наклонение)
to be
have got
plurals: this/these, that/those (множественные)
there is/are
modals (модальные глаголы
present simple with adverbs of frequency (маркёры)
present continuous
some/any, much/many
help please

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave a big family. my mother's name is yulia, she is a houswife, and my dad's name is anton, he is a cardriver. also i have grand parents: their names are (сюда напиши имена бабушки и дедушки). also i have a brother, his name is (имя брата).  in our family we have a tradition: we always have sundaydinner together, and do not start until everyone is at the table. my mother makes really nice pancakes, and my grandmother cooks a roastbeef. after the dinner, we go to the park altogether. me and my brother play hide and seek in the park, and my parents buy us ice cream. i love my family.

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