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А)older b) the oldest c) more older
2. Nick is _____ at sport than me.
А)better b) the best c) the goodest
3. An elephant is _______ animal in the world.
А)big b) the most biggest c) the biggest
IV Choose the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple verbs:
1. I _____ my homework every day.
a)do b) does c) am doing d) did
2. She usually ______ breakfast at 9 o’clock.
a)haves b) has c) is having d) had
3. My sister ______ to music now.
a)listening b) is listening c) are listening d) listen
4. Leonardo da Vinci ______ an artist.
a)be b) was c) were d) beed
5. Piere and Marie Curie ______ scientists.
a)were b) was c) been d) beed
6. The children ______ pictures now.
a)isn’t drawing b) aren’t draw c) don’t draw d) aren’t drawing
7. Our teacher ______ the Internet on weekends.
a)doesn’t surf b) doesn’t surfs c) isn’t surfing d) didn’t surf
8. I _____ Maths lessons.
a)doesn’t like b) don’t like c) am not liking d) not like
9. ___ he ___ now?
a)is dance b) is dancing c) is dancing d) does dance
10. ___ your grandpa visit this museum in 1945?
a)do b) does c) is d) did

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. There is a river in Moscow.

2. There are a lot of cinemas in our city.

3. There is some coffee.

4. There aren't any apples.

5. Is there a cake? Yes, there is.

6. Are there any oranges? No, there aren't .

II. Choose a/an/some/any:

1. I’ve got a computer.

2. She’s got an egg.

3. There are some sweets on the table.

4. There isn’t any milk.

5. Susan hasn’t got any money.

6. Is there any orange juice?

III. Complete the table with three degrees of comparison.Choose the right word.

1. My granny is the oldest in my family! She’s 100! r

2. Nick is better at sport than me.

3. An elephant is the biggest animal in the world.

IV Choose the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple verbs:

1. I do my homework every day.

2. She usually has breakfast at 9 o’clock.

3. My sister is listening to music now.

4. Leonardo da Vinci was an artist.  

5. Piere and Marie Curie were scientists.

6. The children aren't drawing pictures now.

7. Our teacher doesn’t surf the Internet on weekends.

8. I don't like Maths lessons.

9. Is he dancing now?  

10. Did your grandpa visit this museum in 1945?


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