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1) David _____________ on his computer for 2 hours.
a) is working b) has been working c) works
2) Yesterday at 4 p.m. we ________________ to Paris.
a) were flying b) was flying c) are flying
3) Tomorrow by 11 p.m. Sally ______________ back home.
a) will go b) will have gone c) will be going
4) Julie ___________ when somebody knocked the door.
a) is sleeping b) sleeps c) was sleeping
5) We usually __________ the Net in the evening.
a) surf b) surfs c) are surfing
6) He _______ his bed before his mum came home.
a) makes b) is making c) had made
7) My little sister ____________ the floor yesterday.
a) swept b) sweeps c) was sweeping
8) Tomorrow this time Fred _____________ to London by car.
a) will be going b) will go c) is going
9) If I __________ you, I would buy this jacket.
a) was b) were c) am
10) If you leave ice in the sun, it _________.
a) will melt b) melts c) is melting
11) If he _____________ his work early tonight, he will go to the party.
a) finishes b) finish c) will finish
12) If she hadn’t missed the train, she ___________ in the bank on time.
a) would have arrived b) will arrive c) would arrive
13) These books ____________ to the library tomorrow.
a) will return b) will be returned c) are returned
14) The picture ____________ last century.
a) was painted b) painted c) is painted
15) The fence _______________ now.
a) is fixing b) is fixed c) is being fixed
16) The flowers ____________ yesterday by 3 p.m.
a) had been planted b) was planted c) will be planted
17) How about ____________ to the cinema tonight?
a) going b) to go c) go
18) I would like _____________ this dress.
a) buying b) to buy c) buy
19) We prefer ____________by train.
a) travelling b) to travel c) travel
20) I can’t stand ___________ letters.
a) writing b) to write c) write

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b) were having 2. c) has finished 3. b) had returned 4. a) receive 5. a) can 6. c) should 7. a) hard 8. c) needs 9. b) ever 10. b) listening, 11. c) say 12. d) — 13. a) old 14. b) as 15. b) nearly 16. b) it was 17. b) anything 18. a) talking 19. d) is expected 20. was taught 

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