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1. Заполнить пропуски фразовыми глаголами в нужной форме. (to look through, to look forward to,to look up,to look for, to turn up, to turn to, to turn on, to turn off, to get on, to get on with, to make up)

1. My classmates .... each other.
2. My little brother always ... different funny stories.
3. I always ... my birthday, because I get a lot of presents.
4. ... of the light when you go out of the room.
5. Yesterday he ... late.
6. My teacher advised me to ... the unknown word in the dictionary.
7. I have lost my pen, can you help me to ... it.
8. True friends always ... each other for help and advice.
9. My grandpa used to ... the radio every morning.
10. He is too busy now, he ... his papers.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. won't i? 2. were they? 3. can't he? 4. are we going to write? 5. haven't you? 6 . didn't they?

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