Задание: задайте во к предложениям.
1) Kate song beautifully.
2) Sophie played soccer with the twins.
3) Jo bought products for the party.
4) Ann cooked a cake.
5) Mother went to the moseum.
6) Mr.Shaw drew a picture.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Did Kate sing beautifully?

2. What did Sophie play with the twins?

3. Who bought products for the party?

4. Did Ann cook a cake?

5. Who went to the musem?

6. What did Mr.Shaw draw?


1. when are you going to visit england? 2. who is he going to talk to? 3. what is he going to buy? 4. where are they going to go? 5. what time are you going to leave? 6. how is she going to go to school?

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