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Контрольная работа Модуль 6.

1. Vocabulary. Fill in the missing word.

take care of, full, hanging out with, skilful, burst, donate, recovery,

worthwhile, get involved, answer

1. Instead of _____________ your friends all the time, why don’t you do something more useful?

2. When the kitten was found, it was very sick, but luckily it made full _____________.

3. She liked the idea of get ____________ with the local animal shelter and their campaign.

4. Helping people or animal recover, they are placed in ____________ homes where they’re loved and looked after.

5. The local community centre is asking for a volunteer to _______________ phone calls and help in the organization of various events.

6. My family _________ old clothes and boots to the local charity shop.

7. Many animal owners don’t ______________ their animals property.

8. Ann _________________ into tears when a car almost hit her dog as it ran into the street.

9. Thomas is an excellent surgeon, as he has a lot of experience and very _____________ hands.

10. Tom looked after the injured bird until it made a ____________ recovery.

2. Grammar. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: Did you get the tickets to the show?

B: No, because by the time I got to the theatre, all tickets ___________ (sell).

2. The money from the sales __________ (give) to a local charity.

3. The children __________ (drive) to the museum by Mum and Dad.

4. A puppy __________ (leave) in the street.

5. A new swimming pool _______ (build) in the leisure centre last month.

6. The birthday present __________ (send)tomorrow.

3. Idioms. Translate into English.

1. магазин, торгующий подержанными вещами - ___________________________________

2. штатный сотрудник - ________________________________________________________

3. заботиться о ком-либо - _______________________________________________________

4. обратный билет - ____________________________________________________________

5. мусорный бак - _____________________________________________________________

6. билет в один конец - _________________________________________________________

7. место, где можно оставить машину - ____________________________________________

8. увидеть мельком - ___________________________________________________________

9. тратить деньги на что-либо - __________________________________________________

10. иметь дело с -

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. diego maradona didn't play basketball for argentina. 2. lance armstrong didn't win the tour de france in 2007. 3. my parents didn't   meet in a football stadium. 4. the race didn't start at two o`clock. 5. i didn't  go to the match last night. 6. we didn't see the volleyball on tv yesterday.

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