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What about a test? Check yourself :)
When ... start work?

1.you do
2.are you
3.do you

I ... 100 pounds on these boots and they're torn!


She ... and walked away.

1.has smiled
2.was smiling

When I ... college, I started looking for a job.

3.have left

I usually ... to Helen when I have a problem.

1.am talking
2.have talked

I can't ... computer games. In fact, I hate them.


It's important ... good relationships in the family.

3.to have

I'm not very keen ... violent films.


... to eat out on Saturday afternoon?

1.Are you liking
2.Would you like
3.Do you like

What are your plans for weekend? .... anything nice?

1.Did you do
2.Are you doing
3.Do you do

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) 3.do you

2) 1.spend

3)2. was smiling

4) 2. left

5) 3. talk

6) не знаю Объяснение:

About that people need a profession, you know, of course, all. but still, no matter who you ask, they say that want to become teachers, doctors, managers, designers, lawyers. for some reason no one wants to work as a nurse, a mechanic or a seamstress. as if without such specialists can do. but i like the profession of a cook. cook is, of course, not a scientist, not an artist, but he should be well versed in many things and to be a creative person. need to know what foods to combine and which not. we must remember the technology of their preparation. and would it be nice to be able to bring a dish, because food should be not only tasty and useful, but also aesthetic. even a delicious dish, served untidy pile in some ugly bowl, will not excite the appetite anybody. so the chef must have good artistic taste, to be truly creative person. of course, many hide it, but in fact many people like to eat. they can't always afford it, afraid to gain weight or ruin the stomach. so the chef needs to know how to make a tasty dish so that it was not harmful. and for this it needs to understand nutrition and even medicine. a good cook is familiar with many cuisines of the world and with their features, can cook italian, french, and georgian dish, not only russian. all this proves that the chef is not only necessary, but very interesting profession.

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