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Complete the question with the correct tag.
1.The dogs are the best friends,_______ ?2.My friend didn’t want to help you,_______? 3.These animals hunt at night,________? 4.Tom went to London,_____? 5.I’m not going to clean the car,________? 6. They will gather apples in the garden,_______? 7. You should keep your teeth clean, ……? 8. Mary has got a bad stomachache, …….?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. aren’t they?
2. did he?
3. don’t they?
4. didn’t he?
5. am i?
6. won’t they?
7. shouldn’t you?
8. doesn’t she?

1) has appeared 2) studied; graduated 3) have now comleted могут быть ошибки, ибо года два тему не повторял

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