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3) Choose the correct item.

1. Be careful when you cross the street in/on/by foot.

2. When you travel on/from/at a bus, don’t annoy others.

3. Always wear a seat belt when you travel at/on/in a car.

4) Choose the correct verb.

1. You must/mustn’t talk during the test. It’s against the rules.

2. You must/can’t have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.

3. You must/mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.

5) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. is/wearing/what/she?

2. watching/not/Susan/is/a film.

3. you/enjoying/your/holiday/are?

5) Fill in the correct word.

carton, packet, loaf, bag, bar, piece, kilo, bottle, jar

1. Could I have a…. of biscuits, please?

2. Remember to get a … of orange juice when you’re at the supermarket.

3. We eat a … of bread a day in our house.

4. Can you get me the … of rice from the cupboard, please?

5. How can you lose weight if you eat a … of chocolate every day?

7) Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Judy went (go) to the cinema with friends last night.

1. Paul … (find) a wallet on the bus yesterday.

2. My brother … (spend) €120 on CDs last weekend.

3. We … (decide) to stay in and watch a film last night.

4. I … (hear) a lot about you.

5. Albert Einstein … (die) in 1955.

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