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Constitution of the United Kingdom.
The British Constitution is an unwritten constitution, not being contained in a single legal document. It is based on statutes and important documents (such as Magna Carta), case law (decisions taken by courts of law on constitutional matters), customs and conventions, and can be modified by a simple Act of Parliament like any other law. It contains two main principles the rule of law (i.e. that everyone, whatever his or her station, is subject to the law) and the supremacy of Parliament, which implies that there is no body that can declare the activities of Parliament unconstitutional and that Parliament can in theory do whatever it wishes.
The constitutional safeguard of the separation of powers between the Legislature (the two Houses of Parliament), which makes laws, the Executive (the Government), which puts laws into effect and plans policy, and the Judiciary, which decides on cases arising out of the laws, is only theoretical. The United Kingdom is one of six constitutional monarchies within the European Community.
Since the age of absolute monarchy there has been a gradual decline in the Sovereign's power and, while formally still the head of the executive and the judiciary, commander-in-chief of all the armed forces, and temporal governor of the Church of England, nowadays monarchs reign but they do not rule.
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Перевод:Underline the correct preposition.

1. We are very proud at / of your achievements.

2. John apologised to Jane with / for shouting at her.

3. Mum is hopeless at / to knitting.

4. Sam is regarded at / as the best player in the team.

5. Colin was very upset about / for losing his job.

6. I wasn't satisfied with / about my new TV, so I took it back to the shop.

7. We're hoping for / of good weather for the picnic tomorrow.

8. Tom is clever with / at Maths.

9. The old lady always smiles to / at the postman.

10. The cyclist crashed to / into a tree, but he wasn't hurt.

11. I'm tired from / of standing. I want to sit down.

12. It was very generous to / of you to buy her a present. Подчеркните правильный предлог.

1. Мы очень гордимся вашими достижениями.

2. Джон извинился перед Джейн за то, что накричал на нее.

3. Мама совершенно безнадежна в вязании.

4. Сэм считается в / как лучший игрок в команде.

5. Колин был очень расстроен из-за того, что потерял работу.

6. Я не был удовлетворен своим новым телевизором, поэтому я взял его обратно в магазин.

7. Мы надеемся на хорошую погоду для завтрашнего пикника.

8. Том очень хорошо разбирается в математике.

9. Старая леди всегда улыбается почтальону.

10. Велосипедист врезался в дерево, но не пострадал.

11. Я устала от постоянных. Я хочу присесть.

12. Это было очень великодушно с вашей стороны-купить ей подарок.

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