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Test. Writing I Заповни пропуски дієсловами з дужок, уживаючи їх у стверджувальній формі майбутнього неозначеного часу Future Simple. 1. They say next year his elder brother ... (to finish) school. 2.I'm sure you ... (to enjoy) the film. 3.I ... (to tell) you the news later. 4. It ... (to be) summer soon. 5. We ... (to see) her at the meeting. 6.We ... (to have) dinner in an hour. 2 Вставте артикль ‘the’, де потрібно. 1) _______Sphinx is in ______Egypt. 2) _______Chicago River flows south towards _______Gulf of________Mexico. 3) _______Regent Street is a street in the West End of________London. It runs between _______Oxford Circus and ________Piccadilly Circus. 4) _______National Gallery faces _______Trafalgar square. 5) _______Canary Islands are popular with British people for a holiday at _______seaside. 6) _______Volga flows from _______Valdai Hills to _______Caspian Sea. 7) Where are _______British Isles? 8) _______Margaret lives in ________Vienna. It is in _______Austria. 9) You can find beautiful collections in _______Tate Gallery. 10) We get tea mostly from ________China and Ceylon. 3 Заповніть пропуски, вживаючи Present або Past Simple. 1. His sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two years ago. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 4. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 4 Composition “Interesting facts about London”(9 речень) Test. Reading Florence Nightingale The Nightingales were wealthy and could live wherever they wanted. When William Nightingale married he and his beautiful bride toured Europe and visited many cities. On May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy, their first child was born and they called their daughter Florence. Later the family lived most of the time in London, England. During her childhood and youth Florence was chiefly interested in taking care of poor people in hospitals; her dream was to become a nurse. At the age of seventeen she was presented to Queen Victoria; with her sister she toured Italy, Germany and France where she learned the languages of those nations. In Germany Florence entered the nurse institute for a three-month training course. When she was 34 Florence became the Head of the hospital for governesses in London. She organized the work of medical nurses very well there. The Sponsors of the hospital were very pleased with her. During the war in the Crimea, Florence and her nurses took care of the wounded and dying. They brought order and cleanliness into the army hospitals. In England she was asked to organize an army hospital reform. She returned to her native land to popularize nurses' uniforms and the nursing institutes. The fame of Florence Nightingale spread and throughout the world she was known as the “Lady of the Lamp”. Today all Nurse Training centers exist due to Florence Nightingale's first institute. She also wrote a practical book entitled Notes on Nursing. She had much to do with bringing the Red Cross into army medical activities. Florence Nightingale lived to be very old and on August 13, 1910 at the age of ninety she died. Task 1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false 1. The Nightingales were wealthy and could live wherever they wanted. 2. The family lived most of the time in Italy. 3. Florence had always wanted to become a nurse. 4. Florence knew three foreign languages. 5. At the age of seventeen she was presented to Queen Victoria. 6. In Italy Florence entered the nurse institute. 7. At the age of 34 Florence became the Head of the hospital. 8. In England she was asked to popularize hospital. 9. The Sponsors of the hospital were very pleased with her. 10. She wrote an autobiographical novel. 11. Florence Nightingale wasn’t very old when she died. 12. Florence and her nurses took care of the wounded and dying.

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