Есть ответ 👍

б Упражнение 1. Поставьте предложенные в скобках наречия в соответствующую форму (степень сравнения) и закончите предложения. Пишите только цифру и наречие в правильной форме.
1. John doesn’t get what you mean. Could you please talk (slowly)?
2. Jahn should have thought about buying the dress (early). It is two days left before the prom and we will not be able to find something special.
3. Sammy laughs (loud) than before. Is everything (good) now?
4. His mother knows the history (accurately) than his teacher.
5. All of a sudden John turned out to run (fast).
6. The situation on the labor market is getting (bad).
7. It is getting (hard) to find an appropriate job.
8. The company of old friend arrived to the station (late) than everyone else.
9. I used to go to the swimming pool (often) than I do right now.
10. This test was very difficult. I know you can do much (good).
11. They moved (far) than they’d planned.
Упражнения 2. Выберите правильную часть речи (прилагательное или наречие) и закончите предложения. Пишите только цифру и правильный ответ.
1. Bobby`s answer wasn`t (correct, correctly). – ответ Бобби был неправильным.
2. The students have to spell English words (correct, correctly). – Студенты должны правильно произносить по буквам английские слова.
3. It was (cold, coldly) in the garden. – В саду было холодно.
4. His mother looks very (cold, coldly) at my sister. – Его мама смотрит очень холодно на мою сестру.
5. It was not so (warm, warmly) a day before yesterday. – Позавчера было не так тепло.
6. Her son can cook very (good, well). – Ее сын умеет очень хорошо готовить.
7. John` idea was (good, well). – Идея Джона была хорошей.
8. His neighbors never greet us (warm, warmly). – Его соседи никогда нас тепло не приветствуют.
9. Candy can translate these texts (easy, easily). – Кэнди с легкостью может перевести эти тексты.
10. Her task wasn`t (easy, easily). – Ее задание было нелегким.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Minsk is smaller than Moscow. 2. We heard the latest news over the radio. 3. February is the shortest month of the year. 4. Last week was hotter than this week. 5. Your picture is beautiful but hers is more beautiful. 6. She is the cleverest person in our family. 

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