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1. Choose the right tense form.
1. Nina (has been learning / has learned) English for 2 years.
2. The birds (have already flown / have been flying) to the South.
3. They (have known / have been knowing) him for many years.
4. Mike (has forgotten / has been forgetting) to learn the poem.
5. The children (have been watching / have watched) cartoons for 2 hours.
6. The train (has just come / has been coming).
7. We (haven’t been having / haven’t had) a holiday for 5 years.
8. She (has been teaching / has taught) at this school for twenty years.
9. David (has been painting / has painted) in his studio since 10 o’clock.
10. Mary and Sam (have collected / have been collecting) stamps for 3 years.
11. Their parents (have been / have being) friends since their childhood.
12. Dave (has been / has been being) a student for 2 years.
2. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
1. I (not to see) him for ages.
2. He (to do) his lessons since lunch.
3. I (not to hear) about him for a long time.
4. I (to drive) since I was 17.
5. Jack (to fail) his driving test three times because к doesn't know how to park.
6. I think he (make) a lot of improvement.
7. Alice (not/pass) her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.
8. She (worry) about this for two months.
9. She (study) the driver’s manual for hours every day.
10. She (not/take) another test yet.
3. Translate into English using either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Моя жена рисует уже 5 лет, но ещё не продала ни одной картины.
2. Я рад, что мы закончили эту работу.
3. Мои руки грязные. Я работала в саду.
4. Ник съел все конфеты.
5. Вы когда-нибудь играли в шахматы?
4. Correct the mistakes if any.
1. They are discussing the problem for hours, but has not solved it yet.
2. Somebody has been playing tennis since 2 o’clock.
3. Is it still raining? No, it have stopped.
4. John has been winning the championship two times.
5. The boys have fished for 3 hours.
6. How many books have you written?
7. Mike has invited many friends to his birthday party.
8. He has been hating oranges since his childhood.
9. They have been taken the dog for a walk.
10. Irene has left for the airport.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Умная птичка полетела в дом в страну, потому что хотела позавтракать. она выбежала из одной комнаты в другую и вдруг ее увидел большой серый кот. кот прыгнул и поймал птицу. «теперь у меня есть хороший завтрак", сказал кот. "вы не можете позавтракать сейчас", сказала птичка. "вы должны вымыться в первую очередь. фермер и его семья всегда моют руки перед завтраком. вы живете в своем доме, и вы должны делать то, что они делают." "ладно," сказал кот. "я живу с семьей фермера и в их доме, и я должен делать то, что они делают." и кот открыл рот и начал умываться. но когда он был чистым и хотел начать свой ​​завтрак, он не нашел птицу. умная птичка улетела. она была в саду на высоком дереве. она была счастлива и начала петь. "теперь я вижу," кот сказал. "я должен умываться, но после обеда." и теперь все кошки моются после обеда.

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