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Exercise 1 Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous in the following sentences. 1. I am sitting in class just now. I (sit) in class at this exact same time yesterday. 2. I don’t want to go to the zoo today because it’s raining. The same thing happened yesterday. I (want, not) to go to the zoo because it (rain). 3. I (call) Roger at nine last night, but he (be, not) at home. He (study) at the library. 4. I (hear, not) the thunder during the storm last night because I (sleep). 5. It was a fine day when we went for a walk in the park. The sun (shine). A cool breeze (blow). The birds (sing). 6. My parents (argue) about something when I (walk) into the room. 7. I got a parcel in the post office. When I (open) it, I (find) a surprise. 8. Ton went to his friend’s house, but the boys (be, not) there. They (play) soccer in the yard. 9. Stan (climb) the stairs when he (trip) and (fall). 10. I enjoyed my holiday last January. While it (snow) in Iowa, the sun (shine) in Florida.\

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. investing in real estate is one of the best ways to assure your financial independence in america.2.stock price fluctuations help businessmen and the public understand which branches are more profitable.3.the more i tried to understand the american reality, the clearer it was that middlemen were working in almost every sphere: trade, advertising, and market studies.4.short-term financing is not so popular with big companies as with small ones.5.it is the most primitive form of business, the selling of tickets for transportation

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