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1. I told my teacher I was not believing / did not believe what he said.
2. At this moment Paul does / is doing his homework as he does every day.
3. I saw / was seeing the yellow cab just down the road.
4. The table measures / is measuring 30 inches long.
5. Please, be quiet! I am listening / listen to the radio!
6. Everything on the menu tastes / is tasting delicious.
7. Was he on time or was he late / being late?
8. He will not be taken / taking/ take the bag to school today.
9. They using/ will be using/ are used the guest room that weekend.
10. Ria won’t/ won’t not/ willn’t be coming to the party.
11. Where you be/ will you/ will you be sleeping?
12. We will be watch/ to watch/ watching the Coronavirus special broadcast at 6 p.m.!
13. I will be leave/ will have left/ will leaving by then.
14. Will you have arrived/ be arrived/ have arriving by 8 a.m.?
15. She will have forgetting/ forgotten/ be forgetting about it by Wednesday.
16. Will the contracts are mailed/ have mailed/ have been mailed by tomorrow?
17. Ria is leave/ will have left/ will be left by the time 18. the report come/ will come/ comes in.
19. Where is they have/ have they/ they be gone?
20. John and Mary will be tired. They will not/ will not have/ will not be slept for 24 hours flying to Rio.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ежедневная еда - борщ,каши,пельмени,вареники. праздничная еда - салаты (оливье т.т.д) торт,пироги. национальные блюда - плов,суши и.т.л

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