Есть ответ 👍

1. Choose the correct item
1. Have you got the time, please? Yes, it’s half … seven.
A. after В. past C. before
2. … your teacher a good coin collection?
A. Have В. Has C. Are
3. Whose house is that? It’s … house.
A. Tom В. Tom’s C. Toms
4. We haven’t got … eggs in the fridge.
A. any В. some C. a
5. Do I look all right in this? Yes, … fits you perfectly.
B. they В. it C. its
6. Will you go swimming with me? No, I … .
A. will B. won’t C. don’t
7. You … go sunbathing. It isn’t sunny!
A. can’t B. can C. must
8. This house belongs to John. It’s … house.
A. her В. our C. his
9. Mike … at the zoo yesterday.
A. are В. will C. was
10. I think I … to Spain this summer.
A. go В. am going C. will go

2. Choose the correct response.
1. Can I use your pencil?
A. No, you don’t. B. Sorry, you can’t.
2. How can I help you?
A. No, thanks. B. I’m looking for a dress.
3. Where is she from?
A. Italy B. In London
4. Is there any juice?
A. No, there isn’t. B. Yes, it is.
5. Where is the table?
A. It’s next to the window. B. It’s on the ground floor.

3. Read the postcard and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or DS (Doesn’t say).
Dear Max,
How are you? Here we are at a beautiful hotel in Italy. We’re having a great
time! The hotel is new and modern. It’s got ten floors. All the rooms have got a big
TV and their own bathroom.
It’s very hot here and the sun is shining. In the morning, we sunbathe or we go
for a little walk to the nearby park. Sometimes, we feed the ducks there. In the
evening we go swimming or go to the cinema.
At the moment, my dad is watching TV. My mother and I are sunbathing. We’ll
probably go shopping in the evening. See you soon.
1. Liza’s bedroom has got its own bathroom. ______
2. The sun isn’t shining. ______
3. Liza’s dad likes to watch TV. ______
4. Sometimes Liza feeds ducks in the park. ______
5. Liza is swimming now. ______

4. You are on a trip with your family. Write a postcard to a friend (about 80
words). Write about:
- where you are staying (e.g. a house/hotel/campsite)
- what it’s like there
- the weather
- activities
Use a postcard in Ex. 3,p.90 as a model.

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Ответы на вопрос:

/ðə  juː-ɛs-eɪ  ɪz  ðə  wɜːldz  fɔːθ  ˈlɑːʤɪst  ˈkʌntri ./  /ˈəʊnli  ˈrʌʃ(ə)n,  ˈkænədə  ænd  ˈʧaɪnə  hæv  ˈbɪgə  ˈtɛrɪtəriz  ðæn  ðə  juː-ɛs-eɪ ./  /ðeə r  ɑː  ˈfɪfti  steɪts  ɪn  ðə  ˈkʌntri ./ /ˈfɔːti  eɪt  ɑː r  ɪn  ðə  nɔːθ,  ænd  həˈwaɪiː  ˈsɪtjʊeɪtɪd  ɒn  eɪt  ˈaɪləndz  ɪn  ðə  pəˈsɪfɪk ./  /ðə  juː-ɛs-eɪ  ˈstrɛʧɪz  frɒm  ðə  pəsɪfɪk  ˈəʊʃən  tuː  ði  ətlæntɪk  ˈəʊʃən,  wɪʧ  wɒʃ  ðə  ˈkʌntri  ɪn  ðə  wɛst  ænd  ɪn    ði    iːst ./  /lɒŋ  ˈmaʊntɪn    ʧeɪnz  rʌn    daʊn    ðə  pəˈsɪfɪk    kəʊst ./  /ɪn    ðɪs    pɑːt    ɒv  ðə  ˈkʌntri  ɪz  dɛθ  ˈvæli,  ðə  ˈləʊɪst  pleɪs  ɪn    nɔːθ  ænd    saʊθ        əˈmɛrɪkəz ./  /hɪə,  tuː  ɪz  ðə  grænd  ˈkænjən  wɪʧ  ðə  kɒləˈrædəʊ  ˈrɪvə  meɪd  ˈmɪljənz  jɪəz  əˈgəʊ ./  /ɪn  sʌm  ˈpleɪsɪz  ɪt  ɪz  əˈbaʊt  6  km  diːp ./  /ðə  tɔːl  piːks  ɒv  ðə  ˈrɒki  ˈmaʊntɪnz  rʌm  frɒm  ˈkænədə  tuː  ˈmɛksɪkəʊ .  / /bɪˈjɒnd  ðɛm  ðeə  strɛʧ  ðə  greɪt  pleɪnz  weə  ðə  ˈmaɪti  ˌmɪsəˈsɪpi  ˈrɪvə  fləʊz .  / /əˈnʌðə  ˈmaʊntɪn  ʧeɪn,  ði  ˌæpəˈleɪʧɪənz,  rʌnz  dʌz  ði  ˈiːstən    pɑːt  ɒv  ðə  juː-ɛs-eɪ .  / /ðə  juː-ɛs-eɪ  bɔːdəz  ɒn    ˈkænədə  ɪn    ðə  nɔːθ,  weə  ðə  faɪv  greɪt  leɪks  ɑː  ˈsɪtjʊeɪtɪd  ænd  ˈmɛksɪkəʊ    ɪn  ðə    saʊθ ./

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