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4 Complete the text with affirmative and negative forms of the verbs in brackets. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS MER FO DEVE seala Columbus wanted (want) to find a new way to India. In 1492, he' (travel) across the Atlantic Ocean. He? _(arrive) in San Salvador in the Bahamas two months later. He _ (visit) a lot of islands and he (name) them the Indies. He 5 _ (call) the native people Indians. It was a very beautiful place, but he 6_(not discover) any gold there. Columbus?_ (not stay) a long time and he 8 _ (arrive) back in Spain in March 1493. The King and Queen of Spain weren't happy because he' _ (not discover) any gold or a new way to India. Columbus 10 — (not visit) North America, but he was the first European to explore Central America. MAPA. Как это делать?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) the new apartment house is being constructed in our street now. новый жилой дом строится на нашей улице. 2) the armchair is placed in the sitting room. в гостиной находится кресло. 3) football has been played in winter in great britain this year. в великобритании это зимой играли в футбол. 4) the arrangements for the house-warming party will be made tomorrow. договоренности по новоселью будут сделаны завтра. 5) this pupil has been spоken about recently. об этом ученике недавно говорили.

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