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3. Укажите правильный артикль:

A-a B-an C-the D-

1. Please give me ___ cup of ___ coffee with ___ cream and sugar.

2. Do you know how to use ___ computer?

3. ___ Mark usually goes to ___ gym in ___ evening.

4. ___ Henry always walks to ___ school.

5. We are flying to___ Spain ___ next month.

4. Put in there is/there are/there was/there were/there will be.

6. There___some flowers in the vase yesterday.

7. When I was walking in the field there___no sheep there.

8. There ___ some cheese and butter on the plate.

9. When we came out into the garden there ___ our friend there waiting for us.

10. There ___ a lot of work to do before the exam.

5. Choose the suitable word.

A-much B-many

3.There is ___ water in the kettle.

4.Every day our library gets ___ foreign magazines.

5.Sorry, I haven’t got ___ time to help you.

6.Never ask how ___ money your friends get.

7.How ___ students are there in your group?

6. Переведите предложения, используя глагол to have и соответствующие местоимения.

5. У вас есть какие-нибудь проблемы?

6. У меня есть немного воды.

7. У них нет никаких столов.

8. У тебя есть деньги?

7. Choose the suitable word.

A-few B-a few C-little D-a little

8.I know very ___ about them.

9.We read ___ in class.

10. Mr. Brown has very ___ books on this problem.

11. There are ___ offices in this quiet street.

12. This car uses ___ petrol.

8. Вставьте some или any.

1. Could you bring me … bread, please.

2. Could you give me … soup?

3. Do you have … water?

4. I would like … sugar in my coffee.

5. We have … fried beef.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. the arsonist (had removed) all the valuables before she set fire to the house.

2. they (had robbed) five different banks when they were arrested.

3. the shoplifter (had been) a regular customer for years before she was caught.

4. we (had just got) back home when we realized someone was in the bedroom upstairs.

5. the burglars had left when we (came) back home; the house was empty!

6. as soon as the police (had arrived), they looked for fingerprints.

past simple, past perfect, past perfect simple or past perfect countinuous.

olga( (got) home late that night. she(2) ) her dinner and then sat to watch a film on television. she(3) had) a long, tiring day at work and was looking forward to getting to bed early. she lived alone and lately ( been) a little worried, as there ( (were) a number of break-ins in her building. she ( (had been watching) the film for a few minutes when she ( (heard) a strange noise in the kitchen. she began to worry. ( she/remembered) to lock the front door? she wondered. she slowly ( up) and headed towards the kitchen. she turned on the light and () a bowl of fruit tipped over in the kitchen. pretty sure she ( not done) that earlier, she began to panic. suddenly, her cat (). relieved, she picked him up and went back into the living room to watch her film.

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