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I. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Past Simple или в Past Perfect.
The most important thing.
Roger (think) he was all prepared for his dinner party last night. He (send) invitations to his boss and all the people at the office. He (look) through several cookbooks and (find) some very interesting recipes. He even (go) all the way downtown to buy fruit, vegetables, and cheese, which he (need) for his dinner. However, as soon as Roger's doorbell (ring) and his guests (arrive), he (realize) that he (forget) to turn on the oven. Roger (feel) very foolish.
He couldn't believe what he (do). He (think) he was all prepared for his party, but he (forget) to do the most important thing.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-what's her favourite subject? 2-i'm eleven and they're twelve. 3-it's his birthday. he's sixteen today. 4-what's your name? 5-we're twelve years old.

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