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arisen, insane, general, valuable, remendy, contract, capacity, principle, court, judge , enforced, carry

In a valid contract each person is legally bound to do what is promised. If one party to a 1__________does not carry out the promise, the other party can go to 2________ and be entitled to a 3___________.
First, the court must decide if a contract has been made. The most important 4______________ guiding a judge is whether a reasonable observer, an average citizen, would decide that it was a contract. The 5___________will also consider if the contract has all the essential elements: an offer, an acceptance and a 6___________ consideration. It is very important for a judge to consider the 7___________of contractors, that is whether they are legally competent to make a contract. In English law there are special rules if one of the contractors is a company, rather than an individual, a person under 18, or an 8________ person.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.they went shopping, didn`t they?

  2.my friend clean the room, doesn`t he?

  3.the cat doesn't eat bread, does it?

  4.john would live tea, wouldn`t he?

  5.the car isn't good, is it?

  6.the house is big, isn`t it?

  7.she reads the books every day, doesn`t she?

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