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1. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на во На во отвечайте кратко.
It is a beautiful winter day. The trees are white with snow. Peter and his friend Tom go for a walk. There is a lot of snow. They make a snowman. They make three big snowballs; draw two eyes and a mouth. Tom has an idea. "We can make the nose out of a big carrot”. He runs home, takes a big carrot and an old hat. The boys put the hat on the snowman's head and make the nose out of the carrot. The snowman is ready. How funny it is! The friends are happy!
Пример: What season is it? Winter
1. What colour are the trees? __________
2. What are the boys' names? __________
3. What do the boys make? __________
4. How many snowballs do the boys make? __________
5. What do they put on the snowman's head? ___________

2. Расставь фразы в таком порядке, чтобы получился разговор
между Винни Пухом и Пятачком.
1. R. – Would you like some milk?
2. W. – Good morning! I’m hungry.
3. R. – Good! Take some cheese.
4. W. – I don’t like milk. I would like cheese.
5. R. – Good morning,Winnie!
6. W . – Thank you.
3. Напишите по образцу, используя слова в рамке:

dive, make, play, ride, see, ski
I can see the sportsman.

1. You…………………………….a snowman.
2. We………………………………a bike.
3. The dog…………………..and swim there.
4. The boy……………………..snowballs.
5. I……………………………..and skate in winter

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Ответы на вопрос:

Yesterday, on July 20, a car accident HAPPENED in the Main Street. Josh Peters, the witness, WAS STANDING on the corner and WAITING for the green light. He says he  SAW a big red car which WAS DRIVING very fast. The driver probably WANTED to get through the yellow light. Meanwhile, a green van on the other street BEGAN  to move forward. The driver of the red car WASN'T ABLE to stop in time. The two cars SMASHED. There WERE a lot of damage to both cars. The witness WAS CALLING an ambulance at once when he SAW that one of the driver WAS BLEEDING. The other driver WAS NOT HURT. Little by little a big crowd WAS GATHERING. Some people  WERE HELPING the injured driver. Then the police and ambulance ARRIVED. Two policemen STARTED to measure things, the other two WERE CARRING OUT the poll. The paramedics TOOK the injured driver to the hospital. Then a tow truck CAME.


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