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Напишите, какие действия вы уже запланировали. Используте для этого Present Continuous. Рядом переведите на русский язык.

1. They (stay) at the Grand Hotel for two weeks. 2. Jane (leave) for London tomorrow evening. 3. Mike and Ted (play) chess this evening. 4. I (have) lunch with Miss Smith this weekend. 5. My friend and I (clean) our classroom.

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Ответы на вопрос:

How much money do  you  spend on food every week? i have  never  eaten octopus, but i have  eaten squid. where is ann? she is  sunbathing  in the garden. are  you  watching the tv? - no. you can switch it off if you like. i’m afraid i do  not  speak spanish very well. we   are  looking  everywhere for a purple silk shirt, but we have  not  found  one yet. have  you  heard the latest news? a bomb  exploded in the station at 10 o’clock this morning. john is  looking  for a bigger flat. she  usually  finishes work before 6 o’clock. do  you  know how to use this computer programme? not yet. but i  am  learning. where has  joe  gone with that gun in his hand? oh, he  always carries it with him when he goes walking in the woods. oh, hello debby! i’m sorry, i have  not recognized you at first. you have lost  weight! be quiet! i  think  dad is  sleeping  upstairs. i do  not  like  cooking, but i  love eating. why are  you crying? have you hurt yourself? something is  smelling good. what are you cooking? in autumn the leaves fall  from the trees. gary has  not  been  to work since monday. how many times have you  been  to the cinema this year? i went twice in january, but i have not been  since then. look at that! someone has left  the fridge door open again! it wasn’t me. i have  not been in the kitchen for hours. i have  just  read your composition. it’s very good. how much time did you spend writing it? you have  worked very hard recently. i’m surprised the boss did not give you a pay rise when you asked him. oh no! i think i have  broken  mum’s stereo.  sally is very clever. she speaks five languages. i don’t understand those people. what language are  they  speaking?

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