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Adjectives and Adverbs.
Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.
1 He had to spend about six months in a class with ____students.
a) more younger;
b) younger;
c) the youngest.
2 It was absolutely the____food I have ever had.
a) worst;
b) worse;
c) most bad.
3 She's__I am.
a) elder than;
b) older than;
c) more old than.
4 Nowadays Bob is eating more and exercising ____ than he used to.
a) little;
b) less;
c) the least.
5 It's not the___place to live if you want a quiet life.
a) better;
c) best.
6 You should practice speaking English _____.
a) most
b) more
c) the most.
7 Fiona is ____ girl I have ever mat.
a) the most beautiful
b) a more beautiful
c) the beautifulest.
8 You can’t run as fast ____.
a) as me
b) that I can
c) as I.
9 Dick was ___ of the three brothers.
a) the eldest
b) the oldest
c) elder.
10.She speaks French ______.
a) very good
b) very well
c) very goodly.11 Peter will pass the exam if he works _____.
a) hard
b) hardly
c) in a hard way.
12 Ann was so ___, that she couldn’t make a sound.
a) frightened
b) frightening
c) frightful.
13.Some parts of the film are quite _______.
a) shocked
b) shocking
c) a shock.
14 Brain is known as a very ___ driver.
a) fast
b) fastly
c) fasting.
15.Miss Morgan never comes _____ to work.
a) late
c) of late.
16 “How are you?” – “I’m afraid I’m not feeling _____ today.”
a) well
b) good
c) - .
17 He works ___ hours that I do.
a) many
b) much
c) more.
18 Henry was ___ of the boys.
a) the most big
b) the biggest
c) biggest.
19 Today you certainly look ____ than you did yesterday.
a) more happy
b) more happier
c) happier.
20.Mary is ____ her cousin.
a) the same age of
b) the same age
c) the same age as.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  more comfortable 2)  the best 3)  the most interesting 4)  more pleasant 5)  the most wonderful 6)  worse 7)  better/the best     -   тут подходят два (но я считаю  better)

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