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5. Who … you all this nonsense?

a. says c. told

b. tell d. spoke

6. He … it was very important.

a. said c. spoke

b. told d. talked

7. He was afraid to … me the truth.

a. tell c. speak

b. say d. talk


1. Our services are …, you needn`t pay.

A. freely B. free C. more free D. most free

2. They don’t share your opinion. … .

A. Neither do I B. So do I C. So I do D. Neither I do

3. What was … moment in your life?

A. happy B. the happy C. happier D. the happiest

4. He speaks … now than before.

A. well B. more better C. better D. good

5. Where is … bus stop?

A. closest B. the nearest C. the most near D. nearest

6. This article is … than the previous one.

A. much interesting B. more interesting C. interesting D. the most interesting

7. He speaks English … better than French.

A. more B. much C. most D. the most

8. We decided to leave … because the party was boring.

A. earlier B. more early C. earliest D. the earliest

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Это конструкция используется для описание твоих или чих то привычек в которые происходили регулярно, но сейчас не происходят.
На пример. I used to smoke but I stopped two years ago. Перевод: раньше я курил но я бросил 2 года назад

Популярно: Английский язык