Есть ответ 👍

A. Circle the correct answer
6. Peter isn't … the animals, he is watering the garden.
a) feeding
b) to feed
c) feeds
7. Jane … hard enough for her finals.
a) isn't studying
b) aren't studying
c) not studying
8. They football after school.
a) play
b) are playing
c) plays
9. You aren't on your homework.
a) concentrates
b) concentrate
c) concentrating
10. When she taking her driving exam?
a) has
b) is
c) can
11. Don't with your mouth full.
a) talk
b) talking
c) talks
12. I like coffee. I prefer tea.
a) doesn't
b) do
13. Pete and I Scrabble at the moment.
c) don't
a) plays
b) play
c) are playing
14. Give Mary the ball. Give it to
a) him
b) her
c) them
15. Please go to the window and open
a) them
b) your
c) it
16. Are you coming to the park with … ?
a) me
b) it
c) her
17. John around the garden at the moment.
a) Is running
b) are running
c) run
18. There six students in the classroom.
a) have
b) is
c) are
19. He doesn't … golf.
a) liking
b) like
c) likes

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Ответы на вопрос:

6 feeding
7 isn’t studying
8 play
9 concentrating
10 is
11 talk
12 don’t
13 are playing
14 him
15 it
16 me
17 is running
18 are
19 like

the world is a good time for me and I have a good time for me and I have a good time for me and I have a good time for me and I have a good time for


get a good time for me and I have a good time for me and I have a good time for me and I have a good time for me

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