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1. The delegation (to head) by the Prime Minister.
2. These houses (to build) last year.
3. New subjects (to study) next term.
4. These beverages (to make) from berries and sugar.
5. The children (to take) to the cinema tomorrow.
6. Much fish (to sell) in our shop yesterday.
7. Many guests (to invite) to my birthday-party next Sunday.
8. These flowers (to water) every day.
9. Water melons (to serve) for dessert yesterday party

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Ответы на вопрос:

1had to 2 must 3 must 4 must 5 had to 6 had to 7 must 8 must 9 had to 10 must 11 had to 12 had to 1 it was getting pretty late. i might leave, or i should be late for the last bus 2 this was getting so far, i felt i had to do something before it was too late 3 it couldn't go on like this any longer. it might blow up sooner or later 4 i knew it was a secret and i might keep it 5 he was trying to explain why the measures he proposed might be resorted to if we wanted to save the situation 6 he did not understand why such urgent measures as had been taken might be resorted to even in the face of the situation 7 it was impossible to change anything. one might take things as they were 8 i did not agree with him that one might always took things as they were without trying to change them 9 did you realize that you might not mention it to anybody?

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