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advocacy training contract areas of law appear in court practise self-employed a judge barristers represent their clients a partnership division qualified have the right of audience to specialise in solicitors
There are two types of lawyers who … in England. They are called … and solicitors. In the USA and most other countries, lawyers don't make this … - a lawyer is simply known as an attorney at law or an attorney.
Both in England and the USA it is not possible to take a special exam to be … . To become a judge it is necessary to get a lot of experience as a lawyer first, and then apply to be a judge and wait to see if you are chosen.
Most law students in England become … . When they finish their university studies they do a one-year legal practice course and then a two year … with a law firm. After that, they are … solicitors. Many solicitors work for a legal practice, which is usually … of solicitors who work together. Solicitors practice in many … although each solicitor usually chooses … one particular area. They … both in and out of court.
Barristers are … lawyers and don't work in partnerships in the way solicitors do. They are experts in …, which is the skill of speaking for someone in court. They also give opinions on areas of law to solicitors and their clients. It is not just barristers who … in court - solicitors are also allowed to represent their clients in certain types of courts and many solicitors … every day.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a) men b) job c) work d) readread - глагол, все остальные существительные  2 a) engineer b) doctor c) football d) pilotс - игра, все остальные профессии  3) a) student b) factory c) office d) schoola - деятельность, все остальные помещения4 a) brother b) uncle c) niece d) grandfatherc - жен род, все остальные мужского 

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