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1 Assel ..... father is a miner, lives in the apartment next to us.
A who B who's C whose
2 The area in ..... Akbota lives is very nice.
A where B which C that
3 There were lots of people at the festival, some of ..... had flown in from overseas.
A who B whom C which
4 Do you remember the day ..... Aidar first moved to Taraz?
A which B where C when
5 The reason ..... Damir's upset is that he's lost his guidebook.
A which B why C whose
6 1856 was the year ..... Karaganda was founded.
A when B which C where

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Ответы на вопрос:

The future of humanity, i imagine a very high-tech, advanced. i think that the invention of which we dream today will be invented in the future. i imagine the future of mankind cool. people will invent a lot of robots themselves like these robots will be as insensitive, selfish to others. i think that in the future people will deteriorate much the worse ! but remember, the future is in our hands, and never too late to change it! )

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